AHDC 2021 Annual General Meeting  & 2021 European Design Conference Design Awards – Extracts and Discussion

  • Thursday, October 21, 2021
  • 17:00 - 18:30
  • Online - Webinar
  • 447


  • Zoom Webinar
  • Zoom Webinar - Plus Membership

The Australian Health Design Council would like to invite you to its Annual General Meeting (AGM) for 2021 followed by a session where presenters will be sharing extracts (thanks to Salus Global / EHD2021) from the 7th European Healthcare Design 2021 (EHD2021) Awards live Judging and Q&A sessions.  The congress and awards were held virtually earlier this year in June.  Organised by Architects for Health and SALUS Global Knowledge Exchange AHDC were please to, once again, support this congress and be able to offer our members a 20% discount.

Subject to numbers this will be a zoom meeting with encouragement to discuss the projects, ideas and the live judging process. With over 15hrs of live judging video information across all of the shortlisted projects we obviously cannot do justice to the overall awards programme, the presentation therefore plans to focus on the winners for two awards:

1. Healthcare Design (Over 25,000 sqm)

2. Design for Health and Wellness

However, all shortlisted projects will be listed and all the awards judging presentations are available on the Salus website and we encourage you to follow up on other projects of interest.

Kate Copeland, our 2020/21 AHDC Chair was the lead Judge for the Healthcare Design Over 25,000sqm category and will also share her experience of the judging process, the projects, and the richness that the live Judging process added to the awards.

David Kaunitz, of Kaunitz Yeung Architecture (the winners for Design for Health and Wellness) has kindly agreed to join us to contribute to the live discussion following the extract of the recorded presentation.

John Temple, has been Secretary of AHDC for the last few years, was fortunate to take part, as an observer, in many of the live judging presentations and has worked with Marc Sansom, Salus Global, to offer the AHDC discount to the congress and prepare the extracts for this event.